1. How do you rate locksmiths?

We are very particular about listing a business on our site. Our rating framework take everything into account including locksmith reputation, service ratings, years of experience, online presence, public reviews, complaints, level of satisfaction, cost, and most importantly the trustworthiness.

2. Why local businesses are your priority?

We believe that local businesses are the core of a community. They are the ones who work day and night so that communities can thrive. Through Best of Locksmiths, we are giving every trusted local locksmith a nationwide platform to showcase their prowess in the industry.

3. Do you take money for listing the business?

NO! We don’t take money or get paid for listing any business on this website. Our reviews and opinions are honest and unbiased.

4. Are the numbers mentioned in the post mean business rankings?

In order to remain fair and impartial, we only mention the best locksmithing businesses and don’t rank them against each other. The numbers mentioned in the post should not be perceived as rankings.

5. How do I submit my business?

If you’re a lock and key expert and looking to submit your enterprise, visit this page to know more about listing your business.

6. Is there a limit to the number of locksmiths listed for a particular location?

No! Our listings are completely based on the number of locksmiths that fit into our rating parameters.

7. How long my business will be listed on your website?

Once listed, your business will be on our website for a minimum of a year unless it is affected by bigger changes like business closures etc. At the same time, we are open to expanding our list. We’d be more than happy to review any business if we think it could be the next best.

8. How do I provide important updates regarding my business?

To provide important updates regarding your business, visit this page.

However, we’re all humans. So, if you find any inadvertent error in the provided information; use our contact form or directly email us here.